Thursday, October 29
09:00-10:30 |
WLN Session I |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 |
WLN Session II |
Thursday, October 29
09:00 - 10:30 WLN Session I
- 09:00 Software-Defined Wireless Network Architectures for the Internet-of-Things
Amr Elmougy
(German University in Cairo, Egypt); Mohamed Ibnkahla (Queen's
University, Canada); Lobna Hegazy (German University in Cairo, Egypt)
- 09:22 A Survey: Spoofing Attacks in Physical Layer Security
Mustafa H Yilmaz and Huseyin Arslan (University of South Florida, USA)
- 09:45 Data Dissemination for Heterogeneous Transmission Ranges in VANets
Maryam M. Alotaibi and Hussein Mouftah (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- 10:07 Software Defined Networking for Wireless Local Networks in Smart Grid
Kemal Akkaya, A. Selcuk Uluagac and Abdullah Aydeger (Florida International University, USA)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 WLN Session II
- 11:00 An Energy-Efficient Service Discovery Protocol for the IoT based on a Multi-Tier WSN Architecture
Rana Helal and Amr Elmougy (German University in Cairo, Egypt)
- 11:30 Keynote Speech: Carrots and Sticks - Incentives that Make Mobile Crowdsensing Work
Salil Kanhere (University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia)